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In 1700-1710, a Catholic church was built on the territory of the Upper Town in Minsk at the Jesuit monastery. The cathedral was an example of Vilna Baroque, its interiors were decorated with rich frescoes and figures of 12 apostles carved from wood. The Jesuit church remained the tallest building in Minsk for a long time. Minsk. Due to the fact that in 1773 Pope Clement XIV dissolved the order of Jesuits, in 1798 was created Minsk diocese - Catholic district under the authority of the bishop, the church received the status of a cathedral, consecrated in honour of the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The church was visited in different years by such famous historical figures as Peter the Great, Swedish King Charles XII, Hetman Mazepa, Marshal of France Davout, Decembrist Nikita Muravyev, Emperor Nicholas II.

During the World War II the cathedral was badly damaged, and in 1951 it was closed in order to change its appearance beyond recognition - two cathedral towers were demolished, and the central facade was rebuilt, adapting the building for the premises for physical trainers of the sports society "Spartak".

By 2000, the cathedral had not only restored its original appearance, but was also returned to the faithful. Today the Arch-Cathedral of the Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the main Catholic church in Minsk.