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The Botanical Gardens were formed in 1891, in Roseau, the capital of Dominica. These gardens contain more than 50 species of flowers, trees and shrubs. Many birds, reptiles and butterflies can be seen in the thickets of plants. To this day, the gardens are divided into 2 parts - in one part you can see trees that are used for economic purposes, and in the other part there are exotic and ornamental shrubs and plants. In the garden there is a parrot sanctuary where you can see two rare species, Jaco and Sisseru. The gardens have survived many hurricanes and tropical storms, the worst of which was Hurricane David in 1979. So many trees and shrubs were ripped up by the roots, many flowers and plants were simply destroyed. In the garden still lies a huge baobab that crushed a bus, as a reminder of this terrible hurricane. It is a wonderful place not only for walking, but also for various games and activities. Creole in the Park, a music festival in celebration of the country's independence, is held here. The Botanical Gardens are considered one of the most beautiful places in the Caribbean.