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The old stone church was built in 1458 at a bend in the Espoo River. В times the stone church served as a shelter during various raids and unrest.

Originally the church was built in the form of a rectangle with three naves and retained this shape until the 1820s, when it was rebuilt when the church was enlarged. was rebuilt. Over the centuries, the church has undergone several restorations - one of the largest in the 1930s (under the direction of Professor Armas Lindgren), when its old appearance was restored.

The last time the church was renovated was already in 1982, when a wooden sculpture was restored over the altar of the The wooden sculpture "The Passion of Christ", which had been in the collection of the National Museum for many years, was restored over the altar of the church. for many years in the collection of the National Museum. In the summer evenings, organ concerts are held here. organ concerts.