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The Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris is one of the most famous temples in the world, an outstanding architectural monument, praised by poets, writers, artists.

The slender mass of the cathedral on the island of Cité can be seen from afar. When the Roman Emperor Constantine in the early IV century recognised Christianity, here on the site of the former pagan temple appeared the Church of St. Stephen. In the middle of the XII century it was no longer able to accommodate the faithful. Under King Louis VII the Young and Bishop Maurice de Sully it was decided to build a grandiose cathedral.

The first stone was laid in 1163 in the presence of Pope Alexander III. It was the time of the appearance in Europe of a new, skyward-looking architectural style - Gothic, and the cathedral became its embodiment.

The construction lasted from 1163 to 1345. First the choirs and naves were erected, the facade was begun in 1208, and in 1250 the two huge front towers were completed. As the cathedral grew, dangerous stresses in the load-bearing walls became apparent, and in the 14th century huge arcbutans were erected around the nave and choir, giving the building an unusual appearance. The alterations continued for centuries: in 1699, by order of Louis XIV, the choir was rebuilt and the cross partition was replaced by a lace partition forged from iron.

Growing up in the centre of Paris, the cathedral was huge: 128 metres long, 48 wide. It seats 9,000 worshippers. The towers soar to a height of 69 metres, the spire to 90 metres. The building is adorned with huge rose windows 13 metres in diameter. The portals are lavishly decorated with sculptural compositions. The central one, on the western facade, depicts the Last Judgment: the dead rise from their graves, Archangel Michael weighs the souls, Satan tries to prevent him. On the western side there is a portal dedicated to the Virgin Mary, her death and Assumption. The compositions of the southern side are dedicated to St Stephen, the northern side to the childhood of Jesus. You can spend hours looking at them. The cathedral is also famous for the chimeras and gargoyles that look down on Paris from on high. The gargoyles have a prosaic purpose: they serve as drains for rainwater.

The interior is famous for its stained glass windows with scenes from the life of St Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris. In the chapels of the nave are thirteen magnificent paintings from the 17th and 18th centuries, dedicated to the deeds of the holy apostles. The statue of the Madonna and Child in the south-eastern part of the transept is from the middle of the XIV century.

In the XVI century this splendour was destroyed by the Huguenots, the French Revolution in the XVIII century turned the plundered cathedral into a temple of Reason, and then into a warehouse. The church was re-consecrated in 1802, and Napoleon was crowned here. However, the building was deteriorating and it was decided to demolish it. In 1831 Victor Hugo published the novel "The Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris", which attracted general attention to the fate of the temple. In 1845 the restoration of the cathedral began.

Notre Dame de Paris is the very history of France: the first French parliament was opened here, kings were crowned and married, Joan of Arc was rehabilitated. On Liberation Day de Gaulle prayed here, and here the nation saw off the great Frenchman to his last journey. Since the end of XII century the bells of the cathedral have been ringing over Paris - on happy, sorrowful and the most ordinary days.

On a side note

  • Location: 6, Place du Parvis Notre Dame, Paris.
  • The nearest metro stations are Cité, Saint-Michel, Hôtel de Ville, Châtelet.
  • Official website:
  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday 08.00-18.45; Saturday and Sunday 8.00-19.15. Visiting the treasury and towers - on weekdays from 9.30 to 18.00, on Saturdays - from 9.30 to 23.00, and on the last day of the week from 13.30 to 23.00. From October to March, tourists are allowed to visit the towers from 10.00 to 17.30.
  • Tickets: visiting the cathedral is free. Tickets to the tower: adults - 9 euros, young people 18-25 years - 5 euros, children under 18 years - free. Tickets to the treasury: adults - 3 euros, youth 18-25 years - 2 euros, children under 18 years - 1 euro.