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Alushta Aquarium is located in a round beautiful building. This building is located in the centre of Alushta, and in shape resembles an alien flying saucer. Alushta Aquarium is an amazing, stunning with its beauty of passers-by and tourists, a sightseeing attraction of the city. Currently, it is one of the youngest and the largest in the whole Ukraine. It appeared in 2003. At that time, the first fish exhibition was opened here by specialists-ichthyologists, headed by Viktor Zhylenko.

From the very beginning there was only one hall, where fish from two seas were exhibited: Azov and Black seas. Exhibits were brought from everywhere to replenish the marine museum of Alushta. Exhibits of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, as well as the waters of the Azov and Black Seas appeared here. Such expositions can be found only in large oceanariums. Throughout Ukraine such an aquarium, distinguished by its uniqueness, as the aquarium of the city of Alushta, do not find.

Alushta Aquarium today is an underwater kingdom, which counts 250 species of all kinds of fish, and maybe more, which live on our planet. In the museum Alushta Aquarium is not only fish, but also amphibians: crocodiles of three species, there are turtles - eight species and five different types of crabs.

Alushta Aquarium consists of four halls, filled with aquatic life, and a museum, where there is an exhibition of beautiful corals and unique shells.

When you go inside, before you open the door to a beautiful fairy tale, which has its own characters and plot. Entering the first hall, we find ourselves in the Crimean cave, in the centre of which is located quite a large body of water. Here we enjoy the beauty of fish that live in the Black and Azov seas. The second and third halls are filled with freshwater fish, which were brought from all over the water world. Here you can meet the bloodthirsty piranha Natterer and a very large fish that lives in freshwater - Arapaima Gigas, whose length reaches 9 metres and more, and you will also see freshwater moray eels. Many species of fish of the Alushta Aquarium are now included in the Red Book. If you are not a timid dozen, then be sure to look at the real bloodthirsty crocodiles. Cuban crocodile is considered to be the most aggressive among them. There are also the kindest turtles, the life expectancy of some of them reaches almost 250 years.

The fourth hall houses fish of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as fish of the Red Sea. They amaze the audience with their amazingly variegated colouring. In this hall you can enjoy the graceful movements of the dangerous winged fish or admire the adhesive fish, which has a suction cup on its head, thanks to which it travels everywhere with sharks and sea turtles. Many more interesting things are waiting for you in the Alushta Aquarium, where everyone will find something interesting for themselves.