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A trip to Vyborg is a unique opportunity to see a medieval fortress on an island. If you've met Castle Island, consider yourself acquainted with Vyborg.

Visiting this attraction allows you to look into Europe of the Middle Ages without leaving Russia, to realise the historical events that took place there. The city with its Castle Island was a part of our country by the will of fate. Most of the time the island and the land around it belonged to Sweden, and in the 20th century Vyborg was one of the largest cities of Finland.

A multifaceted attraction

Vyborg Castle Museum-Reserve is the official name of the popular tourist location. The interest is quite understandable. In the "reserve" offers a rich cognitive holiday: promenade through the cobbled courtyards, sightseeing architectural monuments, ancient defences, unique exhibits in museums, exhibitions with augmented reality, master classes in medieval workshops, photo sessions in period costumes, festivals, holidays and reconstruction of historical events.

Unique location

Vyborg is located on the shore of the Baltic Sea bay, 136 kilometres from St. Petersburg. The city is a major cultural centre of the region and one of the Baltic ports.

In the Petrovsky microdistrict of the city on the expanse of the Vyborg Bay there are two islands - Tverdysh and Zamkovy. They are separated by 100 metres and connected by the Fortress Bridge. The bridge also connects the islands with the mainland part of the city.


Until the 16th century, the island was an important strategic site. In the 13th century, a fortress was built on its territory (1293). Then, during the Crusade, the island was captured by the Swedes.

On its high part (rocky plain) they erected a defence wall with a tower, which turned out to be the highest in Scandinavia (in the early Middle Ages Scandinavia meant 3 countries: Sweden, Norway and Denmark). The structure was named after the king of Norway, revered by all Christians, St Olaf. In addition to the military, servants, craftsmen, and clergymen settled in the tower.

The first defensive structure in this place came in handy and more than once. In the beginning of the 14th century, the Novgorodians made attempts to reclaim the lost lands, but in 1323 the territories were officially ceded to Sweden.

The first defence structure in this place came in handy and more than once.

On the lowlands (in the northern part of the island) were able to erect many useful buildings. In the 15th century came active construction work. As a result, the Vyborg fortress became one of the most impregnable. In the 16th century, the fortifications were modernised by order of King Gustav I Vasa of Sweden. The works were carried out to make it possible to conduct artillery defence of the fortress. The buildings were rebuilt and the coastline was reinforced.

During the Great Northern War, in an effort to secure St. Petersburg, the city of Vyborg and the Swedish fortress on the island were besieged by the troops of Peter the Great. Under the onslaught of Russian troops, the Swedish garrison capitulated in 1710. Tsar Peter I celebrated the victory on Olaf's tower. And the conquered lands became Russian.

In the middle of the 18th century, a new fortress was erected on the island of Tverdysh, and Vyborgskaya was no longer used for defence. In the 19th century the fortress of Castle Island had to be restored because of serious fires. The defence structures acquired a modern look. At the beginning of the 20th century the island was twice passed to Finland, but in 1944 the land was again given to the USSR. In 1970 a museum was opened in the Vyborg Fortress, now known as the State Museum "Vyborg Castle". In 2015, the entire area was named "Vyborg Museum-Reserve" and began a major reconstruction.

Today Castle Island with its defences and museum is the main attraction of Vyborg. Its most recognisable tower, Olaf's Tower, is the symbol of the city. From 2021 to 2025 it is closed for restoration.

Lectures and presentations

Lectures about the history of Vyborg are held on the territory of the castle-reserve. As well as thematic ones related to the temporary exhibitions.

Educational programmes with interactive elements are developed for schoolchildren. Excursions to museums are organised for primary school students to get acquainted with expositions devoted to the environment.

The museums are also themed with temporary exhibitions.

The museum-reserve also organises presentations of historical books.

Museums and exhibitions

There are museums on the territory of Vyborg Castle, and temporary exhibitions are often held. Permanent ones include the following:

  • expositions devoted to World War II,

  • the exhibition "Nature of the Karelian Isthmus", which is very popular with children, as they are allowed to touch the exhibits (among them are minerals and even representatives of flora and fauna),

  • museum of underwater archaeology, which tells about the research of the Vyborg Bay and the history of the fleet,

  • the exposition "Independent Finland", which tells about urban life as part of the Principality of Finland (until 1917), Finland (until 1940),

  • the exposition "Swedish Vyborg" - is the most popular, as it is made in augmented reality mode, illustrates the longest period in the life of the city,

  • children's museum centre - in warm, cosy premises, play, exhibition and educational zones have been created, it can be visited by the whole family, birthdays can be celebrated here.

The museum-reserve holds up to 60 temporary exhibitions a year. For example, now the project "Estates" is being prepared, dedicated to the history of the medieval town, or rather its individual characters (from different estates). At the exhibition you can try on a chain mail, make a photo against the background of the scenery.

Interactive exhibitions and masterclasses

There are interactive exhibitions on the territory of the Vyborg Museum-Reserve:

  • Torture Chamber - a gloomy dungeon in the castle prison;

  • "Knight's Hall" - an exhibition where exhibits (sword, shield, bow, crossbow) can be touched with hands, you can try on armour, court lady's dress; located in the "Wine Cellar";

  • "Blacksmith's Yard" is the castle's blacksmith's forge; here they hold masterclasses in forging and leatherwork,

  • "Pottery workshop" - tells about the art of working with clay, here you can take part in a masterclass on creating the coat of arms of Vyborg.

On the territory of the museum-reserve you can take part in other master-classes: painting ceramics, writing in Gothic script. After participation you will have a souvenir to remember.

Spectacular performances

The squares inside the fortifications of Castle Island are now used for theatre performances. A jousting tournament is held here every year, and sometimes opera performances and jazz festivals.

The festival "Knight's Tournament" is organised in the 2nd half of August. It lasts for 3 days. During this time Vyborg Castle is transformed into a medieval fortress. Knights in shining armour and beautiful ladies walk everywhere here. In historical locations recreate knights' tournaments, battles of pikemen (infantry of the European army), arrange secular medieval entertainment - tug-of-war, archery.

At the event "Knights' Tournament" tourists sign up in advance, 2 weeks in advance, to be sure to get to this spectacular event. They visit in groups of 25-30 people.

Architecture of medieval defences


Photo: Nikolay Bulykin. Source: Wikipedia

The main value of the sight is the medieval fortress buildings: the defence belt, enclosures, bastions, zeychhauses, cellars and prison. All of them have been repeatedly rebuilt, but have retained the status of fortifications.

Defence belt and arsenals

The defence belt is a stone enclosure of walls and towers along the shore of the island. It was built in stages from the 15th century. The second defence belt is 6.5 m high and is known as the Artillery rampart. The third is the Fortress rampart, which was erected in the 16-17th centuries. In the 16th century, the wall was lengthened, increasing the defence belt of the island.

Arsenals are storage buildings attached to the fortress wall of the island. They used to look different: in the 18th century the arc-shaped building was dismantled, but the arsenals were rebuilt, but already made of bricks. Many of the rooms today house museum storage facilities.


There are six towers on the island. The most recognisable are St Olaf's, Paradise and Clock Tower.

St Olaf's Tower is the main artillery structure and the tallest tower in the city. Its height is 50 metres. It was built of boulders and bricks in the XIII century. It rises on a rock 75 metres above sea level. The quadrangular base is made of walls five metres thick. The upper part has the shape of an octahedron. The tower is crowned by a dome, around which a narrow balcony is built. From it you can see the panorama of the city and the Baltic Sea bay, and from the other side you can see Tverdysh Island and its famous Monrepo Park. There are cannons in the windows. In the last reconstruction (XIX century), a spiral staircase was built around the perimeter.

At the base of the tower there is a wine cellar, which was built, presumably, in the 15th century. At times it was used for storing gunpowder. The cellar is a brick two-storey building. It is the only building on the island that has preserved its medieval vaulted ceiling and massive column. Today it is a museum.

The clock tower was built in the late 15th century. Over the years, it changed its purpose and appearance (new tiers were added and the interior was redecorated). The clock mechanism was replaced at the end of the 19th century, and it still works today. Tourists visiting the tower, strive to get to the observation deck, but in autumn and winter it is closed for safety reasons.

Paradise Tower is the first round tower on Castle Island. It is erected from boulders and blocks. The Round Tower (built in 1550) currently houses a restaurant. The Shoemaker's Tower is so named because it housed a shoe repair shop.

East and South Bastions

These defences are earthen platforms 1.5-1.8 m high. Erected in the 17th century on the shore in different parts of the island. The shape is similar to a pentagon. They are in a dilapidated state. From the bastion you can go down to the shore on the preserved stone stairs.

East and West Hulls

These are spectacular buildings built between the 13th and 15th centuries. The East Building was intended for military and economic purposes, and the West Building was used as a residential building (until the 16th century it was the residence of the Swedish viceroy's family, after that - the royal chambers). Today the Eastern building houses the museum library, exhibition halls and museum storages. Fairs and reconstructions of historical events are held on the adjoining grounds.


In the 19th century the farm building was converted into a prison. Its purpose changed several times: at the beginning of the 20th century it was used to manufacture military instruments, then it was used by the Finnish military department. During the Soviet times officers lived here. Nowadays the building is occupied by the administration of the Museum-Reserve "Vyborg Castle".


Adjoining the prison is the Zeikhgauz. It is a military warehouse where uniforms, equipment, ammunition and food were stored. It is a stone three-storey building, which looks like an irregular pentagon. An inner wall divides the building into northern and southern parts.

Souvenir shop

On the territory of the castle in Vyborg there is a "Museum Shop". You will see it right behind the main entrance (entrance arch). It is located in a stone basement. Here you can buy and immediately send a postcard, buy handicrafts, rare books, helmets, shields, swords, ancient coins, metal jewellery, magnets and other common souvenirs. The shop is open Wednesday to Sunday, from 10 to 18. Monday and Tuesday are weekends..

The main lodger of the fortress is Filimon

A cat named Filimon has settled in the Vyborg Castle, and he even has his own pages in social networks. He is of interest to tourists: many try to find the cat on the island and make a photo with him.

Visiting the attraction: schedule, prices


Photo: alexey turenkov. Source: Unsplash

Vyborg Fortress on the island is open for visits all week, you can enter from 9 to 21 hours. From August 2023 the entrance fee is 100₽, for foreigners 200₽, children are free. If you buy a "general" ticket to all museums, admission is free. The cost of a standard ticket is 500₽, pensioners - 400₽, foreigners - 1000₽, children free of charge. The ticket office at the museum reserve is open until 5.15pm.

The main expositions are located in the "Zeichhaus", "Viceroy's House" and in the "Main Museum Building". They can be visited with a single "general" ticket. The main museum has one day off - Monday. Visiting hours on the other days: from 10.00 to 18.00.

Ticket prices for exhibitions and special expositions vary - 150-350₽, for foreigners 2 times more expensive, for pensioners and children cheaper - on average 200₽. Interactive exhibitions (with masterclasses) will cost 100-200₽, and for foreigners - 300₽-400₽.

St Olaf's Tower is closed from 2021 for restoration, with work to be carried out until 2025. The Town Hall Tower can be visited from the age of 10, children are free. Tickets to the Clock Tower cost 300₽ for everyone (600₽ for foreigners).

Participation in educational programmes is organised for groups of 5 to 25 people - 50-150₽ per person. Vyborg Castle organises excursions: sightseeing, thematic, to the "Knights' Hall". The cost is from 2000 to 5000₽. Excursions are conducted in Russian and foreign languages.

How to get there

The museum complex "Vyborg Castle" is located in Leningrad region, in the city of Vyborg, on the island called "Zamkovy".

From Moscow you can get to Vyborg by train №754a, with a change in St. Petersburg (train "Lastochka" 7907). By plane from Moscow (from Moscow airport "Sheremetyevo") you can fly to the airport "Pulkovo" in St. Petersburg.

From St. Petersburg you can get there by car along the A-181 motorway. The road takes 1.5-2 hours (the distance is 136 kilometres). Rush hours are Friday evening and Sunday evening. At this time it is better to use the toll road - the WHSD.

Vyborg is crossed by electric trains and the train "Lastochka", departing from the Finland station in St. Petersburg.

There are also intercity buses: №810 (leaves in the morning and evening from the Northern bus station in St. Petersburg, Vyborg is one of the stops on the route) and №850d (goes from Murino via the metro station "Devyatkino", runs every 1-2 hours).

If you have already arrived in Vyborg, you can get there by bus - #1, 6, 12. Or walk to the island from the railway station in 15-20 minutes. The museum-reserve is located in the very centre of the city. The landmark is the embankment. Walking along it, it is impossible to pass by the famous attraction.