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St. Mary's Church is located just outside the centre of Lucerne. It was built by members of the Franciscan order and incorporated into their monastery, which existed from the 13th century until 1838.In 1838, the monastery was closed. Construction began in 1269, and it is one of the oldest churches in the city.

The building is in the Gothic style, but without high towers or transept, with a elongated single-nave space ending in a chancel. The outline are predominantly vertical and horizontal lines. At that time. the Gothic style was not yet the mainstream of architecture, and this is evident in the smooth panelling on the walls. Throughout its existence, the church has undergone constant Throughout its existence, the church has been constantly restored, and its interior and exterior show elements of various styles, from Romanesque to Baroque. - from Romanesque to Baroque. The Chapel of St Anthony was rebuilt in the 16th century.

The walls of the central nave are decorated with images of flags. These are copies of battle flags flags captured at the Battle of Zempach (1386). Earlier there were original paintings, but over time they deteriorated and were replaced by the images. The marble marble altar, which dates back to the 13th century, adorns the front of the choir. The altar is adorned by a Renward painting, dating from 1736, The Adoration of the Shepherds. Child." On the ceiling are frescoes depicting St Francis of Assisi in the in heaven. On the choirs are arranged pews made in the Renaissance style. Also The Mannerist wooden pulpit from the first half of the seventeenth century, decorated in the Renaissance style. The Mannerist wooden pulpit from the first half of the 17th century, decorated with wood carvings by Caspar Tufel and Hans-Ulrich Reber.