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The Spalentor Gate is the most attractive and pompous of the three surviving city gates, which were part of the extensive fortifications in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. According to many historical accounts, it was through this gate that most of the important goods brought from Alsace entered the city. They consist of several towers - a square at the base of the central tower, which is almost 10 metres wide, and two round side towers, each about 7 metres in diameter. In one of the towers there was a spiral staircase. Now the wall that used to be on the sides of the gate has been dismantled.

It is impossible to pass by this gate and remain indifferent. Everyone who has visited Basel remembers them because of the amazing and rare beauty of such a simple structure. On the outer facade you can see three figures - the Madonna with the baby Jesus in her arms and two prophets on the sides, holding scrolls in their hands. However, this is not the only decoration of this landmark. Directly above the grating are figures of lions holding the city's coat of arms in their paws.

The Spalentor was formerly part of the defences of the so-called Greater Basel, which ensured the safety and tranquillity of the citizens. A close look at the adjacent towers will show that such imposing and severe towers could not have been built at that time merely as a decorative element.