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Canaima National Park is located in the territory of Grand Sabana. This is is the name given to the numerous uplands in the Caroni River basin. Due to soil erosion, round canyons ("simas") with flat bottoms and vertical walls, up to 350 metres deep. Another Another result of erosion can be "tepuis" - huge plateaus about a kilometre high, often plunging sharply downwards. Each of these plateaus has its own unique flora. Scientists believe that each of the plants that grow in a particular tepui are found nowhere else in the world.

A famous attraction of the park is the Angel Falls. Not far from it close to it is the village of Canaima, due to its location in the impenetrable jungle, the town can only be reached by plane. Canaima is only accessible by aeroplane. The village is built on the banks of a lagoon in of the Carrao River. There are several eco hotels built on the shores of the lake.

Local guides and tour guides are descendants of the warrior tribe of Pemon Indians, who have lived on this land since time immemorial. In the numerous shops you can buy a variety of local souvenirs.

An unforgettable impression on tourists is made by the Sapo Falls. The rock from which from which the waterfall falls, slightly sloping forward and at its base there is a small space. A hiking trail runs along this corridor. On one side on one side is fenced by a stone wall, and on the other side by water streams and a railings. The trail is 1-1.5 metres wide and about 70-80 metres long. With the end of the rainy season (November-December), the waterfall becomes full-flowing and then the sensations from such a walk are as impressive as possible.

Near Canaima there is a place called Arecuna, here is the centre of eco-tourism - Arecuna Lodge. Here, tourists are invited to take a boat trip to the rapids of Los Bobos, during the trip you can meet locals washing gold. They travel by means of large homemade rafts, using pumps to lift the sand and filter it through filters to look for gold.