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Emperor Minh Man ruled from 1820-1849 and was a well-educated man: he was fond of architecture and painting, science and philosophy. He was passionate about architecture and painting, science and philosophy. His tomb is built in the traditional Chinese style. This complex consists of 35 buildings, as well as as well as bridges, canals and ponds, and covers about 15 hectares.

The Court of Fame is accessed through three gates on the east side of the wall. Three granite staircases lead from the courtyard to the area of the Pavilion of Steles - Dinh Vuong. Nearby there was once an altar where buffaloes, horses. and pigs.

Sunu An Temple, dedicated to Minh Mang and his wife, can be reached through three Hien Dik gate and terraces. On the other side of the temple, through the Trung Minh Ho Lake (Lake of Immaculate Purity) is crossed by three stone bridges. Minh Lo Pavilion is located at the top of three successive terraces representing the "three forces" - heaven, earth and water. forces" - heaven, earth and water. On the left is the Fresh Air Pavilion, and on the right is the Lovely Fish Pavilion. on the right is the Fishing Pavilion.