How to get from San Luis to San Rafael by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between San Luis and San Rafael is 235 kilometers (146 miles).
Driving distance from San Luis to San Rafael is 274 kilometers (170 miles)
Route Map
Routes from san-luis-san-luis to san-rafael-mendoza
4 Ways from San Luis (Argentina/San Luis) to San Rafael (Argentina/Mendoza)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Junín 68 m
2. Turn right onto Rivadavia 135 m
3. Turn right onto Pringles 274 m
4. Turn left onto Chacabuco 1.04 km
5. Turn right onto Avenida Julio A. Roca 707 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from San Luis (Argentina/San Luis) to San Rafael (Argentina/Mendoza)?
How do I get from San Luis (Argentina/San Luis) to San Rafael (Argentina/Mendoza) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from San Luis (Argentina/San Luis) to San Rafael (Argentina/Mendoza)?
Trips from San Luis
San LuisComodoro RivadaviaSan LuisSanta FeSan LuisMorenoSan LuisLa PlataSan LuisSan Fernando del Valle de CatamarcaSan LuisRosarioSan LuisPuerto MadrynSan LuisLa RiojaSan LuisTrelewTrips to San Rafael (Argentina/Mendoza)
Cinco SaltosSan RafaelNueva GaliaSan RafaelGeneral RocaSan RafaelPotrerillosSan RafaelGeneral VillegasSan RafaelMar del PlataSan RafaelEl NihuilSan RafaelTrelewSan RafaelGeneral PicoSan RafaelInformation about Stations
All station in San Luis (Argentina/San Luis)
San Luis Airport San All station in San Rafael (Argentina/Mendoza)
San Rafael Airport San