How to get from Charleville to Broken Hill by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Charleville and Broken Hill is 773 kilometers (479 miles).
Driving distance from Charleville to Broken Hill is 1070 kilometers (663 miles)
Route Map
Routes from charleville-queensland to broken-hill-new-south-wales
4 Ways from Charleville (Australia/Queensland) to Broken Hill (Australia/New South Wales)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Parry Street 97 m
2. Turn left onto Sturt Street, Alt A2 197.23 km
3. Turn left onto Mitchell Highway, A71, 49 249.06 km
4. Turn left onto Culgoa Street, B71 5.52 km
5. Turn right onto Mitchell Street, B71 462 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Charleville (Australia/Queensland) to Broken Hill (Australia/New South Wales)?
How do I get from Charleville (Australia/Queensland) to Broken Hill (Australia/New South Wales) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Charleville (Australia/Queensland) to Broken Hill (Australia/New South Wales)?
Trips from Charleville
CharlevilleCairnsCharlevilleRockhamptonCharlevilleSydneyCharlevilleTownsvilleCharlevilleToowoombaCharlevilleGold CoastCharlevilleMackayCharlevilleHervey BayTrips to Broken Hill (Australia/New South Wales)
EchucaBroken HillGeelongBroken HillTownsvilleBroken HillBlackheathBroken HillLake MungoBroken HillRivertonBroken HillForsterBroken HillRawnsley Park StationBroken HillPort PirieBroken HillInformation about Stations
All station in Charleville (Australia/Queensland)
Charleville Airport Charleville All station in Broken Hill (Australia/New South Wales)
Broken Hill Airport Broken