How to get from Hervey Bay to Newcastle by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Hervey Bay and Newcastle is 855 kilometers (530 miles).
Driving distance from Hervey Bay to Newcastle is 1059 kilometers (657 miles)
Route Map
Routes from hervey-bay-queensland to newcastle-new-south-wales
4 Ways from Hervey Bay (Australia/Queensland) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Melaleuca Crescent 221 m
2. Turn right onto Honeysuckle Avenue 325 m
3. Turn left onto Grevillea Street 247 m
4. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Squire Street 582 m
5. Turn right onto Doolong Road 1.41 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Hervey Bay (Australia/Queensland) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)?
How do I get from Hervey Bay (Australia/Queensland) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Hervey Bay (Australia/Queensland) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)?
Trips from Hervey Bay
Hervey BayGold CoastHervey BayGympieHervey BayTareeHervey BayTamworthHervey BayWagga WaggaHervey BayGraftonHervey BayBroomeHervey BayLismoreHervey BayMelbourneTrips to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)
Bella VistaNewcastleCronullaNewcastleAdamstownNewcastleTownsvilleNewcastleHallidays PointNewcastleBroken HillNewcastleTamworthNewcastleParramattaNewcastleWyongNewcastleInformation about Stations
All station in Hervey Bay (Australia/Queensland)
Hervey Bay Airport Hervey All station in Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)
Newcastle Airport Newcastle