How to get from Hughenden to Townsville by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Hughenden and Townsville is 326 kilometers (202 miles).
Driving distance from Hughenden to Townsville is 384 kilometers (238 miles)
Route Map
Routes from hughenden-queensland to townsville-queensland
4 Ways from Hughenden (Australia/Queensland) to Townsville (Australia/Queensland)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Brodie Street 51 m
2. Turn right onto Gray Street, 62 251.07 km
3. Turn right onto Flinders Highway, A6 122.28 km
4. Continue onto Ron McLean Drive 7.36 km
5. Continue onto Benwell Road, 14 183 m
See more
Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Hughenden (Australia/Queensland) to Townsville (Australia/Queensland)?
How do I get from Hughenden (Australia/Queensland) to Townsville (Australia/Queensland) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Hughenden (Australia/Queensland) to Townsville (Australia/Queensland)?
Trips to Townsville (Australia/Queensland)
KarumbaTownsvilleClermontTownsvilleMount IsaTownsvilleBiloelaTownsvilleCairnsTownsvilleHamilton IslandTownsvilleGladstoneTownsvillePort MacquarieTownsvilleRavenshoeTownsvilleOther interesting routes
Information about Stations
All station in Hughenden (Australia/Queensland)
Hughenden Airport Hughenden All station in Townsville (Australia/Queensland)
Townsville Airport Townsville