How to get from Mount Gambier to Alice Springs by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Mount Gambier and Alice Springs is 1703 kilometers (1056 miles).
Driving distance from Mount Gambier to Alice Springs is 1967 kilometers (1220 miles)
Route Map
Routes from mount-gambier-south-australia to alice-springs-northern-territory
4 Ways from Mount Gambier (Australia/South Australia) to Alice Springs (Australia/Northern Territory)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Compton Street 117 m
2. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Hedley Street 445 m
3. Turn left onto Jubilee Highway East, A1 360 m
4. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Penola Road, A66 32.46 km
5. Continue onto Riddoch Highway, A66 67.97 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Mount Gambier (Australia/South Australia) to Alice Springs (Australia/Northern Territory)?
How do I get from Mount Gambier (Australia/South Australia) to Alice Springs (Australia/Northern Territory) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Mount Gambier (Australia/South Australia) to Alice Springs (Australia/Northern Territory)?
Trips from Mount Gambier
Mount GambierBendigoMount GambierSydneyMount GambierWarrnamboolMount GambierMilduraMount GambierAlburyMount GambierDarwinMount GambierAdelaideMount GambierBallaratMount GambierPort AugustaTrips to Alice Springs (Australia/Northern Territory)
Mount IsaAlice SpringsPort HedlandAlice SpringsBarrow CreekAlice SpringsMulga BoreAlice SpringsToowoombaAlice SpringsPort AugustaAlice SpringsUtopiaAlice SpringsGlen Helen GorgeAlice SpringsWagga WaggaAlice SpringsInformation about Stations
All station in Mount Gambier (Australia/South Australia)
Mount Gambier Airport Mount All station in Alice Springs (Australia/Northern Territory)
Alice Springs Airport Alice