How to get from Swan Hill to Dubbo by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Swan Hill and Dubbo is 579 kilometers (359 miles).
Driving distance from Swan Hill to Dubbo is 729 kilometers (452 miles)
Route Map
Routes from swan-hill-victoria to dubbo-new-south-wales
4 Ways from Swan Hill (Australia/Victoria) to Dubbo (Australia/New South Wales)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Bone Lane 67 m
2. Turn right onto Beveridge Street 58 m
3. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto McCallum Street, C246 300 m
4. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto McCallum Street, C246 11.14 km
5. Turn left onto Stony Crossing Road 40.86 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Swan Hill (Australia/Victoria) to Dubbo (Australia/New South Wales)?
How do I get from Swan Hill (Australia/Victoria) to Dubbo (Australia/New South Wales) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Swan Hill (Australia/Victoria) to Dubbo (Australia/New South Wales)?
Trips from Swan Hill
Swan HillMelbourneSwan HillWagga WaggaSwan HillAlburySwan HillGeelongSwan HillWarrnamboolSwan HillHorshamSwan HillBallaratSwan HillBroken HillSwan HillSydneyTrips to Dubbo (Australia/New South Wales)
MittagongDubboNarranderaDubboCootamundra StationDubboTownsvilleDubboSconeDubboDaptoDubboYeovalDubboMoreeDubboCairnsDubboInformation about Stations
All station in Swan Hill (Australia/Victoria)
Swan Hill Airport Swan All station in Dubbo (Australia/New South Wales)
Dubbo City Regional Airport