How to get from Innsbruck to Zagreb by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Innsbruck and Zagreb is 386 kilometers (239 miles).
Driving distance from Innsbruck to Zagreb is 589 kilometers (365 miles)
Route Map
Routes from innsbruck-tirol to zagreb-grad-zagreb
4 Ways from Innsbruck (Austria/Tirol) to Zagreb (Croatia/Grad Zagreb)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 33 m
2. Turn left onto Fallmerayerstraße 6 m
3. Turn right onto Colingasse 127 m
4. Turn left onto Bürgerstraße 1.04 km
5. Turn left onto Egger-Lienz-Straße, B174 1.19 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Innsbruck (Austria/Tirol) to Zagreb (Croatia/Grad Zagreb)?
How do I get from Innsbruck (Austria/Tirol) to Zagreb (Croatia/Grad Zagreb) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Innsbruck (Austria/Tirol) to Zagreb (Croatia/Grad Zagreb)?
Trips from Innsbruck
InnsbruckTel AvivInnsbruckLinzInnsbruckLucerneInnsbruckFlorenceInnsbruckKragujevacInnsbruckCologneInnsbruckBolzano - BozenInnsbruckCity of WestminsterInnsbruckCasablancaTrips to Zagreb (Croatia/Grad Zagreb)
UmagZagrebVeniceZagrebGradinaZagrebMedvodeZagrebStankovciZagrebSlatinaZagrebNurembergZagrebGornja VrbaZagrebGoricaZagrebInformation about Stations
All station in Innsbruck (Austria/Tirol)
Innsbruck Airport Innsbruck All station in Zagreb (Croatia/Grad Zagreb)
Zagreb International Airport Zagreb