How to get from Kortrijk to Antwerp by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Kortrijk and Antwerp is 91 kilometers (56 miles).
Driving distance from Kortrijk to Antwerp is 99 kilometers (61 miles)
Route Map
Routes from kortrijk-vlaanderen to antwerp-vlaanderen
4 Ways from Kortrijk (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Antwerp (Belgium/Vlaanderen)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Grote Markt 32 m
2. Continue onto Graanmarkt 160 m
3. Turn sharp left onto Waterpoort 17 m
4. Turn right onto Waterpoort 115 m
5. Turn right onto Stationsplein 59 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Kortrijk (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Antwerp (Belgium/Vlaanderen)?
How do I get from Kortrijk (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Antwerp (Belgium/Vlaanderen) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Kortrijk (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Antwerp (Belgium/Vlaanderen)?
Trips from Kortrijk
KortrijkMonsKortrijkWinterthurKortrijkBrusselsKortrijkBerlinKortrijkLilleKortrijkWinterthurKortrijkLilleKortrijkGhentKortrijkBrugesTrips to Antwerp (Belgium/Vlaanderen)
Brussels Central StationAntwerpMindenAntwerpStabroekAntwerpHamburgAntwerpMuseum David and Alice van BuurenAntwerpSeraingAntwerpDeventerAntwerpAntwerpen-CentraalAntwerpArnhemAntwerpOther interesting routes
ZeelandNord-Pas-de-CalaisBruxelles-CapitaleNoord-BrabantNord-Pas-de-CalaisWallonieZeelandInformation about Stations
All station in Kortrijk (Belgium/Vlaanderen)
Kortrijk Wevelgem International Airport All station in Antwerp (Belgium/Vlaanderen)
Antwerp International Airport Antwerp