How to get from Wildert to Breda by rideshare, car, bike, walk, truck

Distance between Wildert and Breda is 28 kilometers (17 miles).
Driving distance from Wildert to Breda is 36 kilometers (22 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from wildert-vlaanderen to breda-noord-brabant

5 Ways from Wildert (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Breda (Netherlands/Noord-Brabant)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Kalmthoutsesteenweg, N122 2.54 km
2. Turn slight left onto N117 96 m
3. Continue onto Spijker, N117 1.39 km
4. Continue onto Ringweg, N117 2.49 km
5. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Antwerpseweg, N262 1.50 km
6. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Antwerpseweg, N262 3.31 km
7. Keep right onto N262 1.41 km
8. Keep right 473 m
9. Turn slight left onto Van Beethovenlaan 8 m
10. Turn right onto Van Beethovenlaan 12 m
11. Turn slight left 17.23 km
12. Keep right onto A58 330 m
13. Keep right 2.24 km
14. Continue onto Ettensebaan 1.06 km
15. Turn left onto Ettensebaan 510 m
16. Turn left onto Haagweg 991 m
17. Turn right onto Nieuwe Prinsenkade 330 m
18. Turn left onto Prinsenkade 149 m
19. Keep left onto Reigerstraat 99 m
20. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Wildert (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Breda (Netherlands/Noord-Brabant)?
How do I get from Wildert (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Breda (Netherlands/Noord-Brabant) the fastest?
How do I travel from Wildert (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Breda (Netherlands/Noord-Brabant) without a car?
How far is it from Wildert (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Breda (Netherlands/Noord-Brabant)?
How long does it take to get from Wildert (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Breda (Netherlands/Noord-Brabant)?