How to get from Schaarbeek Station to Brussels by car, rideshare, truck, bike
Distance between Schaarbeek Station and Brussels is 4 kilometers (2 miles).
Driving distance from Schaarbeek Station to Brussels is 7 kilometers (4 miles)
Route Map
Routes from schaarbeek-station-bruxelles-capitale to brussels-bruxelles-capitale
4 Ways from Schaarbeek Station (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) to Brussels (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
0h 10m
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Avenue de Vilvorde - Vilvoordselaan, N1 633 m
2. Turn left onto Rue du Lion - Leeuwstraat 351 m
3. Continue onto Quai Léon Monnoyer - Léon Monnoyerkaai 3.76 km
4. Turn left onto Place de l'Yser - IJzerplein 27 m
5. Continue onto Boulevard d'Anvers - Antwerpselaan, R20a 340 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Schaarbeek Station (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) to Brussels (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale)?
How do I get from Schaarbeek Station (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) to Brussels (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) the fastest?
How do I travel from Schaarbeek Station (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) to Brussels (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) without a car?
How long does it take to get from Schaarbeek Station (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) to Brussels (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale)?