How to get from Brussels to Barcelona by rideshare, car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Brussels and Barcelona is 1065 kilometers (660 miles).
Driving distance from Brussels to Barcelona is 1338 kilometers (830 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from brussels-bruxelles-capitale to barcelona-cataluna

5 Ways from Brussels (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) to Barcelona (Spain/Cataluna)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Rue de l'Amigo - Vruntstraat 219 m
2. Turn right onto Place Saint-Jean - Sint-Jansplein 18 m
3. Turn right onto Rue du Lombard - Lombardstraat 269 m
4. Turn left onto Rue du Midi - Zuidstraat 434 m
5. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Avenue de Stalingrad - Stalingradlaan 189 m
6. Turn right onto Rue Roger van der Weyden - Rogier van der Weydenstraat 90 m
7. Turn left onto Boulevard Maurice Lemonnier - Maurice Lemonnierlaan 335 m
8. Turn left onto Boulevard Poincaré - Poincarélaan, R20 110 m
9. Turn right onto Boulevard Jamar - Jamarlaan 222 m
10. Turn slight right onto Place Bara - Baraplein 1.03 km
11. Turn right onto Rue des Deux Gares - Tweestationsstraat, N266 941 m
12. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Boulevard Industriel - Industrielaan 1.62 km
13. Turn slight right onto Boulevard International - Internationalelaan, B202 562 m
14. Keep left onto B202 26.93 km
15. Keep right onto A54 2.13 km
16. Keep right 19.36 km
17. Continue onto Autoroute de Wallonie, E19, E42 23.65 km
18. Keep left onto E19 205.42 km
19. Keep right 12.33 km
20. Keep left onto A 3 5.68 km
21. Keep left 134 m
22. Keep right onto Avenue Cartellier, D 37 32 m
23. Keep right 7.33 km
24. Keep right 13.29 km
25. Keep right onto L'Aquitaine, A 10 1.76 km
26. Keep right onto L'Aquitaine, A 10 34.55 km
27. Keep left onto L'Aquitaine, A 10 71.74 km
28. Keep right onto A 71 625.19 km
29. Keep right onto La Méridienne, A 75 249.85 km
30. Continue onto Autopista de la Mediterrània, AP-7 7.24 km
31. Keep left onto C-33 12.41 km
32. Keep right 11.22 km
33. Keep right 1.70 km
34. Turn left onto Carrer de Jaume I 161 m
35. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Brussels (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) to Barcelona (Spain/Cataluna)?
How do I get from Brussels (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) to Barcelona (Spain/Cataluna) the fastest?
How do I travel from Brussels (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) to Barcelona (Spain/Cataluna) without a car?
How far is it from Brussels (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) to Barcelona (Spain/Cataluna)?
How long does it take to get from Brussels (Belgium/Bruxelles-Capitale) to Barcelona (Spain/Cataluna)?