How to get from Brejo Santo to Fortaleza by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Brejo Santo and Fortaleza is 421 kilometers (261 miles).
Driving distance from Brejo Santo to Fortaleza is 521 kilometers (323 miles)

Brejo SantoFortaleza
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Route Map

4 Ways from Brejo Santo (Brazil/Ceara) to Fortaleza (Brazil/Ceara)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Rua Manoel Inácio Bezerra 203 m
2. Turn left onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116 87.80 km
3. Keep left onto BR-116 291 m
4. Continue onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116, BR-230 364.51 km
5. At roundabout, take exit 3 179 m
6. Continue onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116 50.20 km
7. Keep right onto Marginal Santos Dumont, BR-116 2.05 km
8. Keep left 138 m
9. Keep right 5.53 km
10. Keep right 597 m
11. Keep left 513 m
12. Keep right 626 m
13. Keep left 1.10 km
14. Keep right 406 m
15. Keep left 416 m
16. Keep right 532 m
17. Keep left 809 m
18. Keep right 649 m
19. Keep left 670 m
20. Keep right onto Avenida Visconde do Rio Branco 180 m
21. Keep right onto Avenida Visconde do Rio Branco 253 m
22. Keep right onto Avenida Visconde do Rio Branco 2.01 km
23. Turn slight right onto Avenida Dom Manoel 1.11 km
24. Make a U-turn onto Avenida Dom Manoel 366 m
25. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Brejo Santo (Brazil/Ceara) to Fortaleza (Brazil/Ceara)?
How do I get from Brejo Santo (Brazil/Ceara) to Fortaleza (Brazil/Ceara) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Brejo Santo (Brazil/Ceara) to Fortaleza (Brazil/Ceara)?