How to get from Buritirana to Balsas by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Buritirana and Balsas is 241 kilometers (149 miles).
Driving distance from Buritirana to Balsas is 408 kilometers (253 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Buritirana (Brazil/Maranhao) to Balsas (Brazil/Maranhao)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue 29 m
2. Turn right onto Avenida Senador La Roque, MA-122 87.28 km
3. Turn left onto Rua Antônio Bandeira, MA-275 20.16 km
4. Turn left onto BR-226 62.57 km
5. Keep right onto MA-006 199.84 km
6. Turn sharp right onto BR-230, MA-006 36.90 km
7. Turn left 20 m
8. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Avenida Coronel Fonseca 1.06 km
9. Turn left 3 m
10. Keep right onto Rua Humberto de Campos 116 m
11. Turn left onto Rua Humberto de Campos 14 m
12. Turn right onto Rua Humberto de Campo 177 m
13. Turn right onto Rua Paranaguá 72 m
14. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Buritirana (Brazil/Maranhao) to Balsas (Brazil/Maranhao)?
How do I get from Buritirana (Brazil/Maranhao) to Balsas (Brazil/Maranhao) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Buritirana (Brazil/Maranhao) to Balsas (Brazil/Maranhao)?