How to get from Cascavel to Presidente Prudente by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Cascavel and Presidente Prudente is 379 kilometers (235 miles).
Driving distance from Cascavel to Presidente Prudente is 441 kilometers (273 miles)
Route Map
Routes from cascavel-paran to presidente-prudente-s-o-paulo
4 Ways from Cascavel (Brazil/Paraná) to Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Avenida Brasil 2.08 km
2. Continue onto Avenida Brasil 688 m
3. Turn left 903 m
4. Turn right onto Rua Europa 2.84 km
5. Turn left onto Rua Serra da Mantiqueira 110 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Cascavel (Brazil/Paraná) to Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo)?
How do I get from Cascavel (Brazil/Paraná) to Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Cascavel (Brazil/Paraná) to Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo)?
Trips from Cascavel
CascavelAriquemesCascavelLondrinaCascavelBuenos AiresCascavelRio ClaroCascavelItumbiaraCascavelLimeiraCascavelLagesCascavelCaxias do SulCascavelOurinhosTrips to Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo)
BauruPresidente PrudentePresidente VenceslauPresidente PrudenteUberabaPresidente PrudenteBastosPresidente PrudenteOsascoPresidente PrudenteAndradinaPresidente PrudenteBarra do CordaPresidente PrudenteDracenaPresidente PrudenteColoradoPresidente PrudenteInformation about Stations
All station in Cascavel (Brazil/Paraná)
Cascavel Airport Cascavel All station in Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo)
A. De Barros Airport