How to get from Curitiba to Recife by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Curitiba and Recife is 2460 kilometers (1525 miles).
Driving distance from Curitiba to Recife is 3005 kilometers (1863 miles)
Route Map
Routes from curitiba-parana to recife-pernambuco
4 Ways from Curitiba (Brazil/Parana) to Recife (Brazil/Pernambuco)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Praça Tiradentes 133 m
2. Turn right onto Rua Prefeito João Moreira Garcez 135 m
3. Turn left onto Travessa Tobias de Macedo 2.92 km
4. Turn left onto Avenida Nossa Senhora da Luz 862 m
5. Turn sharp right onto Rua Fagundes Varela 2.19 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Curitiba (Brazil/Parana) to Recife (Brazil/Pernambuco)?
How do I get from Curitiba (Brazil/Parana) to Recife (Brazil/Pernambuco) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Curitiba (Brazil/Parana) to Recife (Brazil/Pernambuco)?
Trips from Curitiba
CuritibaAssisCuritibaPresidente PrudenteCuritibaGeneral Liber SeregniCuritibaResendeCuritibaLagesCuritibaPinhaisCuritibaItapeviCuritibaCascavelCuritibaLondrinaTrips to Recife (Brazil/Pernambuco)
CajazeirasRecifeCratoRecifeCupiraRecifePraia do CupeRecifeFlorianoRecifeRio VerdeRecifeGameleiraRecifeDiademaRecifeLagoa GrandeRecifeInformation about Stations
All station in Curitiba (Brazil/Parana)
Afonso Pena International AirportCuritiba Bacacheri Airport Curitiba All station in Recife (Brazil/Pernambuco)
Guararapes-Gilberto Freyre International Airport