How to get from Londrina to Uberaba by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Londrina and Uberaba is 518 kilometers (321 miles).
Driving distance from Londrina to Uberaba is 658 kilometers (408 miles)
Route Map
Routes from londrina-paran to uberaba-minas-gerais
4 Ways from Londrina (Brazil/Paraná) to Uberaba (Brazil/Minas Gerais)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Praça Marechal Floriano Peixoto 85 m
2. Turn left onto Avenida São Paulo 20 m
3. Keep left onto Travessa Padre Bernardo Greiss 146 m
4. Turn slight right onto Alameda Manoel Ribas 110 m
5. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Avenida Celso Garcia Cid 3.29 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Londrina (Brazil/Paraná) to Uberaba (Brazil/Minas Gerais)?
How do I get from Londrina (Brazil/Paraná) to Uberaba (Brazil/Minas Gerais) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Londrina (Brazil/Paraná) to Uberaba (Brazil/Minas Gerais)?
Trips from Londrina
LondrinaUmuaramaLondrinaAmericanaLondrinaCampinasLondrinaCascavelLondrinaOsascoLondrinaPorto SeguroLondrinaPorto VelhoLondrinaAvellanedaLondrinaPinhaisTrips to Uberaba (Brazil/Minas Gerais)
ImperatrizUberabaItuveravaUberabaAraraquaraUberabaCotiaUberabaCampo FloridoUberabaRio BrancoUberabaParacatuUberabaLondrinaUberabaOsascoUberabaInformation about Stations
All station in Londrina (Brazil/Paraná)
Londrina Airport Londrina All station in Uberaba (Brazil/Minas Gerais)
Uberaba Airport Uberaba