How to get from Porto Velho to Campo Grande by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Porto Velho and Campo Grande is 1638 kilometers (1016 miles).
Driving distance from Porto Velho to Campo Grande is 2162 kilometers (1340 miles)
Route Map
Routes from porto-velho-rondonia to campo-grande-mato-grosso-do-sul
4 Ways from Porto Velho (Brazil/Rondonia) to Campo Grande (Brazil/Mato Grosso do Sul)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 380 m
2. Turn left onto Avenida Calama 278 m
3. Turn left onto Avenida Rio Madeira 3.38 km
4. Turn right 3 m
5. Keep left 43 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Porto Velho (Brazil/Rondonia) to Campo Grande (Brazil/Mato Grosso do Sul)?
How do I get from Porto Velho (Brazil/Rondonia) to Campo Grande (Brazil/Mato Grosso do Sul) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Porto Velho (Brazil/Rondonia) to Campo Grande (Brazil/Mato Grosso do Sul)?
Trips from Porto Velho
Porto VelhoPresidente PrudentePorto VelhoPonta GrossaPorto VelhoCiudad del EstePorto VelhoUmuaramaPorto VelhoItabunaPorto VelhoCabo FrioPorto VelhoRio ClaroPorto VelhoTeresinaPorto VelhoCuscoTrips to Campo Grande (Brazil/Mato Grosso do Sul)
GuaratibaCampo GrandeEngenho NovoCampo GrandeAmericanaCampo GrandeRio PombaCampo GrandeMundo NovoCampo GrandePrataCampo GrandeNovotel Campo GrandeCampo GrandeBarretosCampo GrandeAriquemesCampo GrandeInformation about Stations
All station in Porto Velho (Brazil/Rondonia)
Porto Velho International Airport All station in Campo Grande (Brazil/Mato Grosso do Sul)
Campo Grande International Airport