How to get from Presidente Prudente to Manaus by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Presidente Prudente and Manaus is 2306 kilometers (1430 miles).
Driving distance from Presidente Prudente to Manaus is 3496 kilometers (2168 miles)
Route Map
Routes from presidente-prudente-s-o-paulo to manaus-amazonas
4 Ways from Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo) to Manaus (Brazil/Amazonas)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Avenida Coronel José Soares Marcondes 216 m
2. Turn left onto Avenida Washington Luiz 2.16 km
3. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Avenida Washington Luiz 465 m
4. Keep left onto Rotatória Luiz Vaz de Camões 33 m
5. Turn slight right onto Avenida Manoel Goulart 1.97 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo) to Manaus (Brazil/Amazonas)?
How do I get from Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo) to Manaus (Brazil/Amazonas) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo) to Manaus (Brazil/Amazonas)?
Trips from Presidente Prudente
Presidente PrudenteVotorantimPresidente PrudenteGuarulhosPresidente PrudenteRio VerdePresidente PrudenteBelo HorizontePresidente PrudenteIndaiatubaPresidente PrudenteLagesPresidente PrudenteFrancaPresidente PrudenteToledoPresidente PrudentePiracicabaInformation about Stations
All station in Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo)
A. De Barros Airport All station in Manaus (Brazil/Amazonas)
Eduardo Gomes International AirportManaus Ponta Pelada Airport