How to get from Taquara to Porto Alegre by rideshare, car, walk, truck, bike

Distance between Taquara and Porto Alegre is 61 kilometers (38 miles).
Driving distance from Taquara to Porto Alegre is 76 kilometers (47 miles)

TaquaraPorto Alegre
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Route Map

Routes from taquara-rio-grande-do-sul to porto-alegre-rio-grande-do-sul

5 Ways from Taquara (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) to Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Rua Júlio de Castilhos 39 m
2. Turn right onto Rua Tristão Monteiro 482 m
3. Turn right onto Avenida Sebastião Amoretti, ERS-020 31.97 km
4. Turn right 522 m
5. Keep left 17 m
6. Turn left 134 m
7. Turn right onto Rua Lino Estácio dos Santos 13.41 km
8. Turn left onto Rua Anapio Gomes 306 m
9. Keep right onto Rua Benjamin Constant 509 m
10. Continue onto Rua Benjamin Constant 50 m
11. Turn right onto Avenida Centenário, ERS-030 1.08 km
12. Keep right 24.98 km
13. Keep left 2.01 km
14. Turn left onto Rua General Bento Martins 468 m
15. Turn left onto Rua Duque de Caxias 351 m
16. Turn left onto Praça Marechal Deodoro 118 m
17. Turn right onto Praça Marechal Deodoro 22 m
18. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Taquara (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) to Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)?
How do I get from Taquara (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) to Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) the fastest?
How do I travel from Taquara (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) to Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) without a car?
How far is it from Taquara (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) to Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)?
How long does it take to get from Taquara (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) to Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)?