How to get from Vargem Grande Paulista to Belo Horizonte by rideshare, car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Vargem Grande Paulista and Belo Horizonte is 518 kilometers (321 miles).
Driving distance from Vargem Grande Paulista to Belo Horizonte is 623 kilometers (386 miles)

Vargem Grande PaulistaBelo Horizonte
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Route Map

Routes from vargem-grande-paulista-sao-paulo to belo-horizonte-minas-gerais

5 Ways from Vargem Grande Paulista (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Rua Doutor Renê Correa 59 m
2. Turn sharp right onto Rua Gisele 547 m
3. Turn right onto Avenida Manuelino do Prado 44 m
4. Turn left onto Rua Leonardo S. Rodrigues 144 m
5. Turn right onto Avenida Elias Alves da Costa 1.07 km
6. Keep right 595 m
7. Keep left 156 m
8. Keep right onto Rodovia Bunjiro Nakao, SP-250 24.13 km
9. Keep right 436 m
10. Keep left 257 m
11. Keep right 25.02 km
12. Keep left onto Avenida Raimundo Pereira de Magalhães 1.19 km
13. Keep right onto Rua Ernesto Bottoni 165 m
14. Turn right onto Avenida Raimundo Pereira de Magalhães, SP-332 2.45 km
15. Keep right onto Avenida Pauliceia 580 m
16. Turn sharp right onto Estrada do Ajoá 1.37 km
17. Turn left onto Estrada do Ajoá 660 m
18. Turn right onto Estrada do Ajoá 1.03 km
19. Keep right onto Avenida Paulicéia 32 m
20. Continue onto Avenida Pauliceia 290 m
21. Keep right onto Avenida Luiz Milano Filho 4.04 km
22. Keep left 22 m
23. Turn left onto Estrada Municipal Prefeito Doutor Sarkis Tellian 14 m
24. Keep right onto Estrada Municipal Prefeito Doutor Sarkis Tellian 3.85 km
25. Keep right onto Rodovia Prefeito Luiz Salomão Chamma, SP-023 7.91 km
26. Keep left onto Avenida Leonor de Oliveira, SP-023 1.68 km
27. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto SP-008 75 m
28. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Rua Zino Marques 16.77 km
29. Keep right 520.77 km
30. Keep right 136 m
31. Keep left 7.82 km
32. Keep left 34 m
33. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Vargem Grande Paulista (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais)?
How do I get from Vargem Grande Paulista (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais) the fastest?
How do I travel from Vargem Grande Paulista (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais) without a car?
How far is it from Vargem Grande Paulista (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais)?
How long does it take to get from Vargem Grande Paulista (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais)?