How to get from Vilhena to Presidente Prudente by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Vilhena and Presidente Prudente is 1396 kilometers (866 miles).
Driving distance from Vilhena to Presidente Prudente is 1914 kilometers (1187 miles)
Route Map
Routes from vilhena-rondonia to presidente-prudente-s-o-paulo
4 Ways from Vilhena (Brazil/Rondonia) to Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Avenida Celso Mazzuti, BR-364 64 m
2. Turn left onto BR-364 41 m
3. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Rua Ricardo Franco, BR-364 62 m
4. Turn left onto Avenida Marechal Rondon, BR-364 5.01 km
5. Keep left 2.82 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Vilhena (Brazil/Rondonia) to Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo)?
How do I get from Vilhena (Brazil/Rondonia) to Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Vilhena (Brazil/Rondonia) to Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo)?
Trips from Vilhena
VilhenaSinopVilhenaBelo HorizonteVilhenaCampo GrandeVilhenaManausVilhenaCampinasVilhenaAriquemesVilhenaRio BrancoVilhenaIndaiatubaVilhenaPorto VelhoTrips to Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo)
DracenaPresidente PrudenteOsascoPresidente PrudenteVotorantimPresidente PrudenteSantosPresidente PrudenteAraraquaraPresidente PrudenteBorboremaPresidente PrudenteMonte CristoPresidente PrudenteSanta RosaPresidente PrudenteAlta FlorestaPresidente PrudenteInformation about Stations
All station in Vilhena (Brazil/Rondonia)
Vilhena Airport Vilhena All station in Presidente Prudente (Brazil/São Paulo)
A. De Barros Airport