How to get from Bathurst to Ottawa by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Bathurst and Ottawa is 805 kilometers (499 miles).
Driving distance from Bathurst to Ottawa is 980 kilometers (608 miles)
Route Map
Routes from bathurst-new-brunswick to ottawa-ontario
4 Ways from Bathurst (Canada/New Brunswick) to Ottawa (Canada/Ontario)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Harbourview Boulevard, 134 328 m
2. Turn slight right onto Saint Peter Avenue, 134 2.73 km
3. Turn left onto Vanier Boulevard 140.59 km
4. Turn left onto Rue Canada, 17 60.60 km
5. Keep right 108.46 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Bathurst (Canada/New Brunswick) to Ottawa (Canada/Ontario)?
How do I get from Bathurst (Canada/New Brunswick) to Ottawa (Canada/Ontario) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Bathurst (Canada/New Brunswick) to Ottawa (Canada/Ontario)?
Trips from Bathurst
BathurstHalifaxBathurstSaint-HyacintheBathurstFrederictonBathurstWoodstockBathurstEdmundstonBathurstCampbelltonBathurstLongueuilBathurstTorontoBathurstKitchenerTrips to Ottawa (Canada/Ontario)
PenningtonOttawaJohnstownOttawaLake Opeongo / Algonquin OutfittersOttawaStratfordOttawaWikwemikongOttawaErieOttawaRigaudOttawaSackvilleOttawaSt. ThomasOttawaOther interesting routes
MaineNew BrunswickNova ScotiaPrince Edward IslandQuebecVermontMaineVermontNew BrunswickInformation about Stations
All station in Bathurst (Canada/New Brunswick)
Bathurst Airport Bathurst All station in Ottawa (Canada/Ontario)
Ottawa/Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Ottawa Gatineau Airport Ottawa