How to get from Chetwynd to Grande Prairie by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Chetwynd and Grande Prairie is 189 kilometers (117 miles).
Driving distance from Chetwynd to Grande Prairie is 233 kilometers (144 miles)
Route Map
Routes from chetwynd-british-columbia to grande-prairie-alberta
4 Ways from Chetwynd (Canada/British Columbia) to Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto North Access Road 170 m
2. Turn right onto 53rd Street Northwest 36 m
3. Turn left onto John Hart Highway, 97 98.42 km
4. Keep right 81 m
5. Turn slight right onto Road 94 6.36 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Chetwynd (Canada/British Columbia) to Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta)?
How do I get from Chetwynd (Canada/British Columbia) to Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Chetwynd (Canada/British Columbia) to Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta)?
Trips from Chetwynd
ChetwyndPrince GeorgeChetwyndDawson CreekChetwyndVancouverChetwyndCalgaryChetwyndKamloopsChetwyndFort St. JohnChetwyndEdmontonTrips to Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta)
CanmoreGrande PrairieDrumhellerGrande PrairieJasperGrande PrairieWhitecourtGrande PrairieWetaskiwinGrande PrairieClairmontGrande PrairieMedicine HatGrande PrairieFort NelsonGrande PrairieRainbow LakeGrande PrairieOther interesting routes
Information about Stations
All station in Chetwynd (Canada/British Columbia)
Chetwynd Airport Chetwynd All station in Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta)
Grande Prairie Airport Grande