How to get from Dawson Creek to Prince George by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Dawson Creek and Prince George is 261 kilometers (162 miles).
Driving distance from Dawson Creek to Prince George is 405 kilometers (251 miles)
Route Map
Routes from dawson-creek-british-columbia to prince-george-british-columbia
4 Ways from Dawson Creek (Canada/British Columbia) to Prince George (Canada/British Columbia)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Ben Happner Way 107 m
2. Turn right onto 13 Street 65 m
3. Turn left onto Alaska Highway, 2 430 m
4. Keep right 55 m
5. Turn left 46 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Dawson Creek (Canada/British Columbia) to Prince George (Canada/British Columbia)?
How do I get from Dawson Creek (Canada/British Columbia) to Prince George (Canada/British Columbia) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Dawson Creek (Canada/British Columbia) to Prince George (Canada/British Columbia)?
Trips from Dawson Creek
Dawson CreekVancouverDawson CreekSaskatoonDawson CreekFort St. JohnDawson CreekNorth PoleDawson CreekChilliwackDawson CreekLloydminsterDawson CreekPentictonDawson CreekEdmontonDawson CreekTorontoTrips to Prince George (Canada/British Columbia)
Burns LakePrince GeorgeFraser LakePrince GeorgeLeducPrince GeorgeOsoyoosPrince GeorgeGuelphPrince GeorgeWilliams LakePrince GeorgeMedicine HatPrince GeorgeHazeltonPrince GeorgeSt. CatharinesPrince GeorgeOther interesting routes
Information about Stations
All station in Dawson Creek (Canada/British Columbia)
Dawson Creek Dawson Creek All station in Prince George (Canada/British Columbia)
Prince George Airport Prince