How to get from Fort McMurray to Dawson Creek by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Fort McMurray and Dawson Creek is 557 kilometers (345 miles).
Driving distance from Fort McMurray to Dawson Creek is 824 kilometers (511 miles)
Route Map
Routes from fort-mcmurray-alberta to dawson-creek-british-columbia
4 Ways from Fort McMurray (Canada/Alberta) to Dawson Creek (Canada/British Columbia)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Memorial Drive, 63 1.40 km
2. Keep right 850 m
3. Keep right 943 m
4. Turn left 2.10 km
5. Keep right 1.93 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Fort McMurray (Canada/Alberta) to Dawson Creek (Canada/British Columbia)?
How do I get from Fort McMurray (Canada/Alberta) to Dawson Creek (Canada/British Columbia) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Fort McMurray (Canada/Alberta) to Dawson Creek (Canada/British Columbia)?
Trips from Fort McMurray
Fort McMurrayMexico CityFort McMurrayFort St. JohnFort McMurrayGrande PrairieFort McMurrayVictoriaFort McMurrayCalgaryFort McMurrayChilliwackFort McMurrayMoose JawFort McMurraySt. AlbertFort McMurrayMedicine HatTrips to Dawson Creek (Canada/British Columbia)
Fox CreekDawson CreekPeace RiverDawson CreekRed DeerDawson CreekFairviewDawson CreekBeaverlodgeDawson CreekKelownaDawson CreekLethbridgeDawson CreekSlave LakeDawson CreekChilliwackDawson CreekOther interesting routes
Information about Stations
All station in Fort McMurray (Canada/Alberta)
Fort McMurray International Airport All station in Dawson Creek (Canada/British Columbia)
Dawson Creek Dawson Creek