How to get from Grande Prairie to Regina by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Grande Prairie and Regina is 1085 kilometers (673 miles).
Driving distance from Grande Prairie to Regina is 1232 kilometers (764 miles)
Route Map
Routes from grande-prairie-alberta to regina-saskatchewan
4 Ways from Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Regina (Canada/Saskatchewan)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto 100 Street 145 m
2. Make a U-turn onto 100 Street 1.26 km
3. Turn right onto 100 Street 490 m
4. Continue onto 100 Street, 2 4.23 km
5. Keep right 399.94 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Regina (Canada/Saskatchewan)?
How do I get from Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Regina (Canada/Saskatchewan) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Regina (Canada/Saskatchewan)?
Trips from Grande Prairie
Grande PrairieDartmouthGrande PrairieFrederictonGrande PrairieKelownaGrande PrairiePrince GeorgeGrande PrairieDenverGrande PrairieOrlandoGrande PrairieCold LakeGrande PrairieSurreyGrande PrairieFort McMurrayTrips to Regina (Canada/Saskatchewan)
MontanaReginaHintonReginaOttawaReginaSpokaneReginaWynyardReginaCaronportReginaCarlyleReginaRed DeerReginaSt. WalburgReginaInformation about Stations
All station in Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta)
Grande Prairie Airport Grande All station in Regina (Canada/Saskatchewan)
Regina International Airport Regina