How to get from Moncton to Saskatoon by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Moncton and Saskatoon is 3074 kilometers (1906 miles).
Driving distance from Moncton to Saskatoon is 4519 kilometers (2802 miles)
Route Map
Routes from moncton-new-brunswick to saskatoon-saskatchewan
4 Ways from Moncton (Canada/New Brunswick) to Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Cassidy Street 49 m
2. Turn left onto Mountain Road, 126 869 m
3. Keep left onto Killam Drive, 128 671 m
4. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Killam Drive, 128 8.30 km
5. Keep right 21.39 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Moncton (Canada/New Brunswick) to Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan)?
How do I get from Moncton (Canada/New Brunswick) to Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Moncton (Canada/New Brunswick) to Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan)?
Trips from Moncton
MonctonRimouskiMonctonDartmouthMonctonEdmundstonMonctonAbbotsfordMonctonNew BrunswickMonctonLongueuilMonctonMiramichiMonctonTorontoMonctonFort LauderdaleTrips to Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan)
PreecevilleSaskatoonOldsSaskatoonPrince GeorgeSaskatoonBonnyvilleSaskatoonAirdrieSaskatoonAuroraSaskatoonBrooksSaskatoonPortage la PrairieSaskatoonWindsorSaskatoonOther interesting routes
MaineNew BrunswickNova ScotiaPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanMaineSaskatchewanNew BrunswickInformation about Stations
All station in Moncton (Canada/New Brunswick)
Greater Moncton International Airport All station in Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan)
Saskatoon International Airport Saskatoon