How to get from Rouyn-Noranda to North Bay by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Rouyn-Noranda and North Bay is 217 kilometers (135 miles).
Driving distance from Rouyn-Noranda to North Bay is 278 kilometers (172 miles)
Route Map
Routes from rouyn-noranda-quebec to north-bay-ontario
4 Ways from Rouyn-Noranda (Canada/Quebec) to North Bay (Canada/Ontario)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Avenue Principale 51 m
2. Turn sharp right onto Rue du Terminus Ouest 544 m
3. Turn left onto Avenue Québec 1.19 km
4. Turn right onto Boulevard du Témiscamingue, 391 44.03 km
5. Turn slight left onto Boulevard Rideau, 101, 391 49.65 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Rouyn-Noranda (Canada/Quebec) to North Bay (Canada/Ontario)?
How do I get from Rouyn-Noranda (Canada/Quebec) to North Bay (Canada/Ontario) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Rouyn-Noranda (Canada/Quebec) to North Bay (Canada/Ontario)?