How to get from Split to Gothenburg by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Split and Gothenburg is 1609 kilometers (998 miles).
Driving distance from Split to Gothenburg is 2283 kilometers (1415 miles)
Route Map
Routes from split-splitsko-dalmatinska-zupanija to gothenburg-vastra-gotaland
4 Ways from Split (Croatia/Splitsko-Dalmatinska Zupanija) to Gothenburg (Sweden/Vastra Gotaland)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Slavićeva ulica 2 m
2. Turn right 217 m
3. Turn right onto Bihaćka ulica 240 m
4. Turn left onto Ulica Domovinskog rata 3.60 km
5. Turn left onto Zbora narodne garde 1.02 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Split (Croatia/Splitsko-Dalmatinska Zupanija) to Gothenburg (Sweden/Vastra Gotaland)?
How do I get from Split (Croatia/Splitsko-Dalmatinska Zupanija) to Gothenburg (Sweden/Vastra Gotaland) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Split (Croatia/Splitsko-Dalmatinska Zupanija) to Gothenburg (Sweden/Vastra Gotaland)?
Trips from Split
SplitNaplesSplitBucharestSplitPforzheimSplitLjubljanaSplitBudapestSplitBerlinSplitMonzaSplitKarlovacSplitBakuInformation about Stations
All station in Split (Croatia/Splitsko-Dalmatinska Zupanija)
Split Airport Split All station in Gothenburg (Sweden/Vastra Gotaland)
Goteborg Landvetter Airport Gothenburg