How to get from Billund to Copenhagen by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Billund and Copenhagen is 216 kilometers (134 miles).
Driving distance from Billund to Copenhagen is 261 kilometers (162 miles)
Route Map
Routes from billund-syddanmark to copenhagen-hovedstaden
4 Ways from Billund (Denmark/Syddanmark) to Copenhagen (Denmark/Hovedstaden)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Kløvervej 148 m
2. Turn right onto Kløvermarken 326 m
3. Turn left onto Kløvermarken 89 m
4. Turn right onto Vejlevej 435 m
5. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Vejlevej 4.57 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Billund (Denmark/Syddanmark) to Copenhagen (Denmark/Hovedstaden)?
How do I get from Billund (Denmark/Syddanmark) to Copenhagen (Denmark/Hovedstaden) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Billund (Denmark/Syddanmark) to Copenhagen (Denmark/Hovedstaden)?
Trips from Billund
BillundGothenburgBillundBarcelonaBillundStockholmBillundFrankfurtBillundEsbjergBillundVejleBillundKoldingBillundStuttgartBillundEdinburghTrips to Copenhagen (Denmark/Hovedstaden)
ZugCopenhagenKarlstadCopenhagenKamagarhCopenhagenTomelillaCopenhagenNordborgCopenhagenSanta Cruz de TenerifeCopenhagenAggersborgCopenhagenBredaCopenhagenHaparandaCopenhagenInformation about Stations
All station in Billund (Denmark/Syddanmark)
Billund Airport Billund All station in Copenhagen (Denmark/Hovedstaden)
Copenhagen Airport Copenhagen Copenhagen Sea Airport Copenhagen