How to get from Aalborg to Kristiansand by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Aalborg and Kristiansand is 168 kilometers (104 miles).
Driving distance from Aalborg to Kristiansand is 205 kilometers (127 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from aalborg-nordjylland to kristiansand-vest-agder

4 Ways from Aalborg (Denmark/Nordjylland) to Kristiansand (Norway/Vest-Agder)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Skipper Clements Gade 9 m
2. Turn right onto Brandstrupsgade 389 m
3. Turn right onto Vesterbro, 180, O1 3.23 km
4. Turn right onto Sundsholmen 435 m
5. Turn slight left 1.12 km
6. Keep right onto Hirtshalsmotorvejen, E 39 57.58 km
7. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Ålborgvej, E 39 2.27 km
8. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Sigurd Espersens Vej 1.89 km
9. Keep right 930 m
10. Turn sharp left 300 m
11. Turn sharp right 15 m
12. Turn slight right 135.30 km
13. Turn right onto E 39 42 m
14. Turn sharp right onto E 39 518 m
15. Keep right onto E 39 194 m
16. Turn slight right onto Havnegata 105 m
17. Turn left onto Tollbodgata 61 m
18. Turn sharp right onto Vestre Strandgate, 471 72 m
19. Turn left onto Dronningens gate, 471 418 m
20. Turn left onto Festningsgata, 484 77 m
21. Turn left onto Tollbodgata, 486 143 m
22. Turn right onto Kirkegata 50 m
23. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Aalborg (Denmark/Nordjylland) to Kristiansand (Norway/Vest-Agder)?
How do I get from Aalborg (Denmark/Nordjylland) to Kristiansand (Norway/Vest-Agder) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Aalborg (Denmark/Nordjylland) to Kristiansand (Norway/Vest-Agder)?

Information about Stations

All station in Aalborg (Denmark/Nordjylland)
Aalborg Airport Aalborg
All station in Kristiansand (Norway/Vest-Agder)
Kristiansand Airport Kristiansand