How to get from Belfort to Nîmes by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Belfort and Nîmes is 465 kilometers (288 miles).
Driving distance from Belfort to Nîmes is 586 kilometers (363 miles)
Route Map
Routes from belfort-franche-comte to n-mes-languedoc-roussillon
4 Ways from Belfort (France/Franche-Comte) to Nîmes (France/Languedoc-Roussillon)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Rue Hubert Metzger 290 m
2. Turn left onto Avenue du Général Sarrail, D 419 473 m
3. Turn right onto Pont Richelieu 214 m
4. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Boulevard Richelieu 173 m
5. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Boulevard Henri Dunant 365 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Belfort (France/Franche-Comte) to Nîmes (France/Languedoc-Roussillon)?
How do I get from Belfort (France/Franche-Comte) to Nîmes (France/Languedoc-Roussillon) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Belfort (France/Franche-Comte) to Nîmes (France/Languedoc-Roussillon)?
Trips from Belfort
BelfortBrugesBelfortMetzBelfortPoitiersBelfortChambéryBelfortBesançonBelfortBrestBelfortToulouseBelfortNiceBelfortMunichTrips to Nîmes (France/Languedoc-Roussillon)
ToulouseNîmesMulhouseNîmesDijonNîmesBelfortNîmesLe HavreNîmesLilleNîmesBéziersNîmesLa RochelleNîmesAix-en-ProvenceNîmesOther interesting routes
Franche-ComteAlsaceBasel-LandschaftFranche-ComteJuraSolothurnJuraBaden-WurttembergBasel-StadtInformation about Stations
All station in Belfort (France/Franche-Comte)
Belfort Belfort StationTrois-Chênes Belfort StationDanjoutin Belfort Station All station in Nîmes (France/Languedoc-Roussillon)
Saint-Césaire Nîmes StationNîmes Nîmes StationGarons Airport Nîmes