How to get from Nîmes to Annecy by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Nîmes and Annecy is 268 kilometers (166 miles).
Driving distance from Nîmes to Annecy is 360 kilometers (223 miles)
Route Map
Routes from n-mes-languedoc-roussillon to annecy-rhone-alpes
4 Ways from Nîmes (France/Languedoc-Roussillon) to Annecy (France/Rhone-Alpes)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Grand'Rue 100 m
2. Turn left onto Rue des Greffes 58 m
3. Turn left onto Boulevard Amiral Courbet 234 m
4. Turn left onto Rue Condé 145 m
5. Turn right onto Place Jean Robert 26 m
See more
Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Nîmes (France/Languedoc-Roussillon) to Annecy (France/Rhone-Alpes)?
How do I get from Nîmes (France/Languedoc-Roussillon) to Annecy (France/Rhone-Alpes) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Nîmes (France/Languedoc-Roussillon) to Annecy (France/Rhone-Alpes)?
Trips from Nîmes
NîmesGironaNîmesBesançonNîmesGenevaNîmesBarcelonaNîmesGironaNîmesBarcelonaNîmesBordeauxNîmesNiceNîmesBarcelonaTrips to Annecy (France/Rhone-Alpes)
ParisAnnecySeynodAnnecyGlacier ExpressAnnecyAllonzier-la-CailleAnnecyDijonAnnecyReimsAnnecyTulleAnnecyMulhouseAnnecyVoironAnnecyInformation about Stations
All station in Nîmes (France/Languedoc-Roussillon)
Saint-Césaire Nîmes StationNîmes Nîmes StationGarons Airport Nîmes All station in Annecy (France/Rhone-Alpes)
Annecy Annecy StationPringy Annecy StationMosquée Emir Abd-El-Kader Annecy Annecy Mont Blanc Airport