How to get from Rochefort to Rennes by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Rochefort and Rennes is 247 kilometers (153 miles).
Driving distance from Rochefort to Rennes is 277 kilometers (172 miles)
Route Map
Routes from rochefort-poitou-charentes to rennes-bretagne
4 Ways from Rochefort (France/Poitou-Charentes) to Rennes (France/Bretagne)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Rue du Breuil 401 m
2. Turn left onto Boulevard Aristide Briand 621 m
3. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Avenue d'Aunis 646 m
4. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Avenue d'Aunis 263 m
5. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Avenue d'Aunis 23 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Rochefort (France/Poitou-Charentes) to Rennes (France/Bretagne)?
How do I get from Rochefort (France/Poitou-Charentes) to Rennes (France/Bretagne) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Rochefort (France/Poitou-Charentes) to Rennes (France/Bretagne)?
Trips from Rochefort
RochefortPoitiersRochefortParisRochefortBrestRochefortToursRochefortLe MansRochefortLyonRochefortNantesRochefortToulouseRochefortGrenobleTrips to Rennes (France/Bretagne)
TirumalapuraRennesSaint-JeannetRennesCorbeil-EssonnesRennesChambéryRennesBordeauxRennesVeveyRennesVal d'AnastRennesPontivyRennesAumont-AubracRennesOther interesting routes
NavarraAquitaineAuvergneBretagneCentre-Val de LoireLimousinPays de la LoirePoitou-CharentesAquitaineInformation about Stations
All station in Rochefort (France/Poitou-Charentes)
Rochefort Rochefort Station All station in Rennes (France/Bretagne)
Colombier Rennes StationRépublique Rennes StationSaint-Germain Rennes StationSainte-Anne Rennes StationVillejean - Université RennesJ.F. Kennedy Rennes StationSaint-Jacques - Gaîté sLa Courrouze Rennes StationCleunay Rennes Station