How to get from Sitia to Rhodes by car, bike, walk, truck
Distance between Sitia and Rhodes is 235 kilometers (146 miles).
Driving distance from Sitia to Rhodes is 308 kilometers (191 miles)
Route Map
Routes from sitia-kriti to rhodes-notio-aigaio
4 Ways from Sitia (Greece/Kriti) to Rhodes (Greece/Notio Aigaio)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Βιτσέντζου Κορνάρου 953 m
2. Turn right onto Εμμανουήλ Ρουσελάκη 81 m
3. Keep right onto Εμμανουήλ Ρουσελάκη 32 m
4. Turn sharp left onto Εμμανουήλ Ρουσελάκη 18 m
5. Keep right onto Sitia - Kassos 82.03 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Sitia (Greece/Kriti) to Rhodes (Greece/Notio Aigaio)?
How do I get from Sitia (Greece/Kriti) to Rhodes (Greece/Notio Aigaio) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Sitia (Greece/Kriti) to Rhodes (Greece/Notio Aigaio)?
Trips from Sitia
SitiaPortoSitiaKabulSitiaChaniaSitiaIstanbulSitiaShubra al KhaymaSitiaRomeSitiaHeraklionSitiaCorfuSitiaLarnacaTrips to Rhodes (Greece/Notio Aigaio)
Anthony Quinn BayRhodesPastidaRhodesParisRhodesSea Breeze Santorini Beach Resort, Curio By Hilton, PerivolosRhodesLabranda Blue Bay Resort, IalyssosRhodesKiotariRhodesAll Senses Ocean Blue Sea Side Resort - All Inclusive, KremastiRhodesKos PortRhodesAnastasia Maria - Beach House - Sea Villa Iallysos, IalyssosRhodesInformation about Stations
All station in Sitia (Greece/Kriti)
Sitia Airport Sitia All station in Rhodes (Greece/Notio Aigaio)
Rhodes Airport Rhodes