How to get from Agra to Gwalior by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Agra and Gwalior is 109 kilometers (68 miles).
Driving distance from Agra to Gwalior is 118 kilometers (73 miles)
Route Map
Routes from agra-uttar-pradesh to gwalior-madhya-pradesh
4 Ways from Agra (India/Uttar Pradesh) to Gwalior (India/Madhya Pradesh)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 172 m
2. Turn right 67 m
3. Turn left 66 m
4. Keep right 160 m
5. Turn right 208 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Agra (India/Uttar Pradesh) to Gwalior (India/Madhya Pradesh)?
How do I get from Agra (India/Uttar Pradesh) to Gwalior (India/Madhya Pradesh) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Agra (India/Uttar Pradesh) to Gwalior (India/Madhya Pradesh)?
Trips from Agra
AgraSambhalAgraKolkataAgraUjjainAgraSuratAgraNoidaAgraAlwarAgraKathmanduAgraMuzaffarpurAgraBaghdadTrips to Gwalior (India/Madhya Pradesh)
ChennaiGwaliorChhatarpurGwaliorPatel NagarGwaliorDewasGwaliorLalitpurGwaliorKanpurGwaliorRanthambore National ParkGwaliorGreater NoidaGwaliorBhubaneshwarGwaliorInformation about Stations
All station in Agra (India/Uttar Pradesh)
Raja-Ki-Mandi Agra StationAgra Cantonment Junction AgraAgra City Agra StationBilochpura Agra Stationयमुना ब्रिज (Yamuna Bridge)छालेसार (Chhalesar) station AgraPathauli Agra StationAgra Fort Agra StationIdgah Agra Station All station in Gwalior (India/Madhya Pradesh)
Gwalior Junction Gwalior StationGhosipura Gwalior StationGwalior (NG) Gwalior StationGwalior Airport Gwalior