How to get from Igatpuri to Pune by rideshare, car, walk, truck, bike

Distance between Igatpuri and Pune is 134 kilometers (83 miles).
Driving distance from Igatpuri to Pune is 197 kilometers (122 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from igatpuri-maharashtra to pune-maharashtra

5 Ways from Igatpuri (India/Maharashtra) to Pune (India/Maharashtra)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Old Agra Road 2.70 km
2. Keep right 102 m
3. Turn left onto NH160 5.44 km
4. Turn right onto NH160A 7.91 km
5. Turn right onto Maharashtra State Highway 21, SH21 17.69 km
6. Turn left onto Maharashtra State Highway 21, SH21 4.53 km
7. Turn right onto SH21 40 m
8. Turn left onto SH21 25 m
9. Turn left onto SH21 4.92 km
10. Keep left onto State Highway 44, SH44, SH21 14.43 km
11. Keep right onto Maharashtra District Road 21, SH21 14.91 km
12. Turn right 50 m
13. Turn right 291 m
14. Turn left onto Udapur Muthalane Road, SH46 165 m
15. Turn right onto Maharashtra District Road 21, SH21 15.37 km
16. Keep right onto Maharashtra District Road 21, MDR21 13.81 km
17. Turn right onto NH61 600 m
18. Turn left 2.72 km
19. Turn right 6.27 km
20. Turn right 522 m
21. Turn left 3.41 km
22. Turn left 106 m
23. Keep right 4.52 km
24. Turn slight left onto SH52 1.40 km
25. Turn right onto Pune Nashik Road, NH60 64.76 km
26. Turn left onto NH60, NH65 9.24 km
27. Keep left onto Mokshagundam Vishweshvarayya Flyover, NH65 768 m
28. Turn left onto Shivaji Road, NH60, NH65 384 m
29. Keep left 208 m
30. Continue 13 m
31. Turn right onto Congress Bhavan Path 170 m
32. Turn left 175 m
33. Turn slight left 30 m
34. Turn sharp left 43 m
35. Turn right 93 m
36. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Igatpuri (India/Maharashtra) to Pune (India/Maharashtra)?
How do I get from Igatpuri (India/Maharashtra) to Pune (India/Maharashtra) the fastest?
How do I travel from Igatpuri (India/Maharashtra) to Pune (India/Maharashtra) without a car?
How far is it from Igatpuri (India/Maharashtra) to Pune (India/Maharashtra)?
How long does it take to get from Igatpuri (India/Maharashtra) to Pune (India/Maharashtra)?

Information about Stations

All station in Igatpuri (India/Maharashtra)
Igatpuri Igatpuri Station
All station in Pune (India/Maharashtra)
Pune Junction Pune StationKhadki Pune StationShivajinagar Pune StationGhorpuri Pune StationIdeal Colony Pune StationNalstop Pune StationGarware College Pune StationShivajinagar Pune StationPune Airport Pune