How to get from Jalandhar to Solan by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Jalandhar and Solan is 153 kilometers (95 miles).
Driving distance from Jalandhar to Solan is 205 kilometers (127 miles)
Route Map
Routes from jalandhar-punjab to solan-himachal-pradesh
4 Ways from Jalandhar (India/Punjab) to Solan (India/Himachal Pradesh)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 78 m
2. Turn left 255 m
3. Keep left 89 m
4. Turn slight right 18 m
5. Turn left 12 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Jalandhar (India/Punjab) to Solan (India/Himachal Pradesh)?
How do I get from Jalandhar (India/Punjab) to Solan (India/Himachal Pradesh) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Jalandhar (India/Punjab) to Solan (India/Himachal Pradesh)?
Trips from Jalandhar
JalandharMumbaiJalandharHisarJalandharAboharJalandharBathindaJalandharMathuraJalandharUjjainJalandharAgraJalandharNew DelhiJalandharLucknowTrips to Solan (India/Himachal Pradesh)
New DelhiSolanMandiSolanShimlaSolanBaddiSolanKasolSolanChandigarh Junction StationSolanZirakpurSolanPanchkulaSolanGurgaonSolanInformation about Stations
All station in Jalandhar (India/Punjab)
Suranussi Jalandhar StationSuchipind Jalandhar StationJalandhar City Junction JalandharBaba Sodhal Nagar Jalandhar All station in Solan (India/Himachal Pradesh)
Salogra Solan StationSolan Solan StationKumarhatti Solan StationBarog Solan StationSolan Brewery Solan Station