How to get from Gardaland to Savona by rideshare, car, walk, truck, bike

Distance between Gardaland and Savona is 217 kilometers (135 miles).
Driving distance from Gardaland to Savona is 293 kilometers (182 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from gardaland-veneto to savona-liguria

5 Ways from Gardaland (Italy/Veneto) to Savona (Italy/Liguria)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Via Giuseppe Verdi 28 m
2. Turn slight left onto Via Giuseppe Verdi 113 m
3. Turn right onto Via Ronchi, SR249 1.02 km
4. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Via Gardesana, SR249 693 m
5. Continue onto Via Monte Baldo, SR249 67 m
6. Continue onto Via Venezia, SR249 230 m
7. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto SR249 99 m
8. Continue onto Via General Bonomi, SR249 963 m
9. Keep left 607 m
10. Keep left 38.17 km
11. Keep right 150.71 km
12. Keep right 481 m
13. Keep right 975 m
14. Keep left 8.45 km
15. Keep right 17.27 km
16. Keep left onto Diramazione Predosa-Bettole 44.93 km
17. Continue onto Autostrada dei Trafori, A26 23.70 km
18. Keep right 198 m
19. Keep right 93 m
20. Keep right 16 m
21. Turn slight right onto Corso Giuseppe Mazzini, SS334 662 m
22. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Corso Filippo Ferrari, SS1 3.43 km
23. Turn slight right onto Via Antonio Gramsci, SS1 242 m
24. Turn right onto Via Pietro Giuria 291 m
25. Turn right onto Via Alessandro Manzoni 192 m
26. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Gardaland (Italy/Veneto) to Savona (Italy/Liguria)?
How do I get from Gardaland (Italy/Veneto) to Savona (Italy/Liguria) the fastest?
How do I travel from Gardaland (Italy/Veneto) to Savona (Italy/Liguria) without a car?
How far is it from Gardaland (Italy/Veneto) to Savona (Italy/Liguria)?
How long does it take to get from Gardaland (Italy/Veneto) to Savona (Italy/Liguria)?