How to get from Prato to Piacenza by rideshare, car, walk, truck, bike
Distance between Prato and Piacenza is 171 kilometers (106 miles).
Driving distance from Prato to Piacenza is 235 kilometers (146 miles)
Route Map
Routes from prato-toscana to piacenza-emilia-romagna
5 Ways from Prato (Italy/Toscana) to Piacenza (Italy/Emilia-Romagna)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
2h 10m
235 km
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Piazza San Francesco 190 m
2. Turn sharp right onto Via Banchelli 207 m
3. Turn right onto Via Convenevole da Prato 175 m
4. Turn right onto Via del Vergaio 259 m
5. Turn right onto Via Santa Margherita 116 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Prato (Italy/Toscana) to Piacenza (Italy/Emilia-Romagna)?
How do I get from Prato (Italy/Toscana) to Piacenza (Italy/Emilia-Romagna) the fastest?
How do I travel from Prato (Italy/Toscana) to Piacenza (Italy/Emilia-Romagna) without a car?
How far is it from Prato (Italy/Toscana) to Piacenza (Italy/Emilia-Romagna)?
How long does it take to get from Prato (Italy/Toscana) to Piacenza (Italy/Emilia-Romagna)?